How to Use a Pendulum for Divination
This article will teach a beginner how to accurately use a pendulum for divination purposes. Find out how to program your pendulum to respond accurately to your questions. Get advice from legitimate and expert dowsing resources.
What is a pendulum?

A pendulum is any weight suspended on a string or chain. You can use a necklace with a pendant, a wooden or crystal pendulum, or some sort of special or sentimental item that has been suspended.
What is Pendulum dowsing?
Pendulum dowsing is a way to divine information using a pendulum. We can program a pendulum to communicate answers to us. It is an ancient practice, its earliest use is water divining or ‘water witching.’ Pendulum dowsing is thought to have been used back in Ancient Egyptian times.
Using a pendulum can be extremely helpful in helping us make day-to-day decisions. We can use the pendulum far beyond the basic yes/no questions. Did you know you can locate missing items or help decide which vitamin to take? You can weigh up a purchase before spending the funds, to avoid disappointment. You can get insight before booking a restaurant, moving locations, or finding out if your dog is unwell. There are also dowsing methods using charts and lists. Map dowsing has been used to locate missing people and precious resources.
How do we use a pendulum?
Firstly, we need to buy or make a pendulum that we feel drawn to. We do not want to use any pendulum that carries a vibration that we do not resonate with. It needs to feel good to use and make us feel uplifted when using it.
The next critical step is programming your pendulum to respond in a way that is very clear and easy to understand its answers. For tips on programming your pendulum, Australian Reader recommends that you read the document ‘Letter to Robin’ which is available on Google.
Programming your pendulum:
1. Make sure you are relaxed and hydrated, and without distractions from the environment or hunger (or anything else).
2. Using your dominant hand, hold the string/chain between your thumb and your pointing finger. You may want to rest your elbow on a table to keep your arm steady. Make sure both feet are planted firmly on the ground.
3. Now begin to program your pendulum.
Firstly, think of how you want your pendulum to communicate YES and NO and MAYBE or REPHRASE. I have programmed mine to say ‘NEED MORE INFORMATION’ if it is not a clear yes or no. It is the way my pendulum tells me that the question lacks substance or needs to be rephrased. Now that you have a clear idea in your mind……
Speak to yourself and say:
This program is permanent until I change it.
Swing your pendulum in the direction you want it, and say “This is YES” – then stop it with your hand.
Repeat this step and say “This is NO” – then stop it with your hand.
For example, if back and forth is yes, say: “Back and forth for YES” and “Side to side for NO” and stop it with your hand each time you have finished.
Now program your “MAYBE” or “REPHRASE”
Swing it in the direction that you want, you may choose to make the pendulum swing diagonally to the right or in a clockwise circle. Choose a motion and say “THIS IS MAYBE/REPHRASE” whichever you resonate with and will remember.
Stop it with your hand again.
Now simply say:
Show me a YES (wait for the pendulum to respond correctly) then stop it with your hand.
Show me a NO (wait for the pendulum to respond correctly) then stop it with your hand.
Show me a REPHRASE/MAYBE – and as above. Wait for it to display and then stop.
If the pendulum has learned all your commands, it has been programmed.
Now say:
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